Mayfest Benefit Brunch

Liza Stangelo and Lynette Matteson, Women’s Advisory Board Executive Board Members. Source: Tami Mosser,

The Mayfest Benefit Brunch is the Women’s Advisory Board’s primary fundraising event. This event, which is held annually on the Sunday after the College of Wooster’s graduation ceremony, takes place in Kittridge Dining Hall. Member Wendy Barlow, even entertains the guests by playing the harp. Tickets for this event are available for purchase at Buehler’s and the Florence O. Wilson Bookstore (on the College of Wooster Campus). All proceeds go towards funding scholarships. 

International Picnic

2017 International Orientation Picnic at Wooster Memorial Park. Photo Courtesy of Dhwani Parsana ’21.

Beginning in 1967, the Women’s Advisory Board has traditionally held a picnic for incoming international students. Since its early years, the picnic has undergone a series of changes in both food and location. While WAB members originally served hamburgers and hotdogs at this event, they transitioned to a more international cuisine – including dishes such as Indian butter chicken, Swedish meatballs, and South African sweet corn – when they realized that many international students were not keen on eating American dishes. Additionally, the Board now offers vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options order to accommodate students’ dietary needs. The picnic has been held at various parks surrounding Wooster’s campus, such as Freelander Park and in more recent years Oak Hill Park.  The WAB is planning a similar events which will allow them to connect with international students in an effective and meaningful way.  

International Graduation Reception

Beginning in the late 1990s, the WAB hosted an International Student Graduation Reception at the suggestion of the International Offices. Throughout the course of this event, the WAB cooked international appetizers for anywhere from 9 to 100 students and their families. This event moved around in locations from year to year, but more often than not was held in Babcock Hall. One year, in addition to the graduation reception, the WAB’s executive board had the privilege to perform a stole ceremony for international students.  

Student Leadership Dinner

The Women’s Advisory Board began hosting their Student Leadership Dinner about 50 years ago. Originally, a WAB member hosted the dinner in their own home. Later, WAB Honorary Member Peg Cornwell invited the group to host event in the President’s House. More recently, the Women’s Advisory Board has held the event in the Scot Center’s Governance Room. The goal of this event is for students to meet WAB members as well as learn more about the WAB’s mission and accomplishments. Meanwhile, WAB members form stronger connections with students and the campus community. This event has undergone several changes in recent years and will eventually become a dinner for scholarship recipients.  

Room Decoration

The Women’s Advisory Board has a long history of interior decorating which can be traced all the way back to Hoover Cottage. In the 1980s, the WAB decorated two rooms in Babcock and Compton Halls that served as guest rooms for visiting lecturers and other distinguished visitors. The WAB kept these rooms in excellent condition and included books about the college for guests to read and enjoy. The WAB furnished these rooms in the latest fashion, which meant redecorating about every eight years. This tradition, however, was discontinued since it was impractical to have visiting lecturers staying in a college dormitory.